Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2020 01:45 PM
City Council has approved St. Catharines 2020 Community Improvement Plan (CIP) to provide funding for redevelopment projects that include the provision of affordable housing, commercial buildings and heritage preservation, in addition to brownfield sites to ensure contaminated land is cleaned up and restored.
The first St. Catharines CIP was launched in 2004 in order to offer financial incentive programs to the private sector to stimulate projects that support local community renewal objectives and...
Posted on Thursday, November 12, 2020 01:15 PM
This year, like any other, the holidays will once again be a time of giving at City facilities.
The City is looking to the public to once again assist in its annual Tree of Little Angels campaign by stepping up and donating a gift for a deserving child. Now in its 23rd year the campaign sees trees set up at City facilities where visitors can drop off a new, unwrapped gift in support of Community Care St. Catharines and Thorold. While Community Care is moving to distribute gift cards, instead of actual...
Posted on Friday, November 06, 2020 04:00 PM
***NOTE: This item has been updated to reflect revised times for the STC Holiday Square on Nov. 28 and 29***
There might not be a parade to welcome him this year, but that doesn’t mean Santa Claus isn’t coming to town.
As the community continues to pull together against COVID-19 the annual St. Catharines Santa Claus Parade, and the large crowds it gathers, won’t be possible in 2020. Local families and children need not worry however, there will still be a chance to see the man in red, and enjoy some...
Posted on Monday, October 26, 2020 10:30 AM
The community’s creative best, and those that support them, received their due on Sunday night.
While the annual St. Catharines Arts Awards moved to a virtual format this year, there was no shortage of real-world talent and support in those recognized with awards during the online affair.
Aimed at celebrating excellence in all areas of artistic creation, the awards seek not only to recognize artistic talent, but to promote the city’s vibrant and growing arts scene. Awards recognize creators and those...
Posted on Thursday, October 15, 2020 04:00 PM
St. Catharines City Council and City staff will be calling out to residents to gather opinions and ideas about the 2021 operating and capital budgets.
Mayor Walter Sendzik, Councillor Mat Siscoe, the chair of the City’s Budget Standing Committee, and City staff will answer questions about the 2021 draft City budget during the annual Telephone Town Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 28, from 7 to 8 p.m.
Now in its sixth year, the Telephone Town Hall operates similar to a radio call-in show, except instead of individuals...