Read our 2023 to 2027 Strategic Plan for our vision for the future of St. Catharines.
Our Vision
For St. Catharines to be a safe, innovative, sustainable, and caring city today and for future generations.
Our Misson
The City of St. Catharines municipal government leadership will focus on accountability, affordability, innovation, and responsible stewardship of community resources.
To achieve the City's vision, our decisions are guided by the plan, and built on five pillars:
Economic Prosperity |
Goal: St. Catharines will maintain and expand as a home to thriving businesses and a diverse and resilient economy.
Strategic directions:
Priority initiatives: Community Improvement Review, Economic Development Strategy Implementation, Strategic Economic Development Partnerships, GO Station Redevelopment, Community Improvement Plan Implementation (until such time that review is complete), Support the Ontario Marine Strategy, Advance the Civic Square concept and explore, Downtown Gateway Signage opportunities, Strategic Tourism Partnerships, and Film Policy Update |
Social Well-being |
Goal: St. Catharines will strengthen neighbourhoods and communities through quality-of-life opportunities that are accessible to all.
Strategic directions:
Priority initiatives: Advocacy campaigns for federal, provincial and Regional affordable housing and homelessness investments, Housing Action Plan Update, Parks Policy Plan Implementation, Recreation Master Plan Implementation, Municipal Development Corporation, Ontario Street Secondary Plan, Waterfront Access Master Plan (including continued refinement of beaches management strategies and waterfront access in Port Weller East), Development Approval Process Optimization, Wastewater Infrastructure Grant Applications Flow Monitoring, Incentives Advocacy, Older Adult Tax Deferral Program, and Street Outreach Resources to support transition from encampments. |
Environmental Stewardship |
Goal: St. Catharines will be recognized as a leader in environmental sustainability and resilient in the face of escalating climate change events.
Priority initiatives: Tree Planting Strategy and Implementation, Master Servicing Plans for Underground, Infrastructure + Related updates for Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Plans, Active Transportation Plan Development, Resourcing and Implementation, Continued Implementation of Corporate Climate |
Cultural Vibrancy |
Goal: The rich culture, heritage, and vibrancy of St. Catharines communities will be communicated and celebrated by the City.
Priority initiatives: Community Hosting and Bid Assistance for Significant Sports Events (World Rowing, Junior Golf, Minto Cup, World Junior Hockey, Grape and Wine + Folk Arts Festivals and Partnerships, Support for Community Cultural Events to celebrate diverse communities / neighbourhoods, Targeted Downtown Heritage Preservation Study, Sustained Funding and Implementation of SCCIP Program, SCCIP Funding Review and Culture Plan Update |
Organizational Excellence |
Goal: The City of St. Catharines will achieve excellence in financial and service sustainability and high customer satisfaction.
Strategic directions:
Priority initiatives: Core Service Review, Managed Public Debt based on Modernized Asset, Management and Work Order Management System, Customer Service Improvement through People, Strategy and wait time reductions, Multi-Year Budget Process, Corporate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy, Parking Services Review, and Social Procurement Policy |