Posted on Monday, May 01, 2023 03:44 PM
No need to waste printer ink or stop by City Hall to pick up a paper copy of a business licence application as they can now be filled out entirely online.
There are five applications now available on Applicants can fill out forms to apply for a general business licence, a licence to run a business as a master plumber, a licence to operate a second-level lodging house, as well as general hawker and peddler and hawker and peddler event promoter licences.
“As we continue to enhance...
Posted on Friday, April 21, 2023 11:29 AM
An impressive feature of the website is the mySTC citizen portal, which allows residents to customize their online experience with the City and easily receive notifications and updates.
mySTC can be easily connected to a municipal address, providing a unique and personalized experience according to individual needs. Dashboards can be customized to include widget buttons linked to current property tax balances, traffic alerts, weather alerts, water billing information, employment...
Posted on Monday, April 03, 2023 04:25 PM
St. Catharines has sparked a friendly competition with neighbouring municipality Niagara Falls to encourage resident participation in this year’s City Nature Challenge – and they have accepted.
iNaturalist issues a challenge every year asking communities to take part in an intense weekend of biological surveying, joining citizens from across the globe to help catalogue native plants and animals found in their cities in the four-day bio blitz.
“This year we are asking St. Catharines residents to...
Posted on Friday, March 24, 2023 12:16 PM
The City of St. Catharines Sunset Beach renovation project has been awarded a $4.4 million grant from the Province of Ontario following an application by City staff to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP).
On Friday, March 24, the Provincial government joined the City of St. Catharines for a funding announcement at an event at Sunset Beach.
“This grant is going to go a long way toward achieving the community vision set out for Sunset Beach,” said Eric Lamothe, manager of business...
Posted on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 12:32 PM
The City of St. Catharines has reinitiated its efforts to see 320 Geneva St. redeveloped into a project that includes affordable housing.
On Monday night City Council approved the issuing of a negotiated request for proposal for the property, in an attempt to once again redevelop the surplus City lands into a mixed-income housing development that includes a long-term affordable requirement. To address some ongoing health and safety concerns, the City will also move forward with demolition of...